Here at we take your right to privacy seriously as we want you to feel comfortable as you browse on our site. This site's privacy policy deals with all personal information our site may have collected on you, during your visits here. However we will not endorse any responsibility whatever, of any other entities or person who are not in our staff that we do not have any control on. Read our term of use for more information
1. Collecting Data
Our registration system and Contact Us form requires you to provide us with some necessary information such as user name and e-mail which may contain your real name or some personal information that may be displayed on this site. Also like all other website, we may also automatically obtain your ip address and cookie information.
2. Distribution of Information
We may use your information to customize your user experience so as to make it better but we will never share any personal information of anyone outside of the staff of without your consent.
3. Cookies
Like many other websites your cookies will be used to enhance your user experience. Furthermore any advertising of this site will not have access to our cookies on your personal information.
4. Changes to this Privacy Policy
Changes to this policy may happen from time to time but will be accessible to read at any time.
While this Privacy Policy states our standards for maintenance of Data and we will make efforts to meet them, we are not in a position to guarantee these standards. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of data. As a consequence, we disclaim any warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of Data.
7. Contact Information
If you have any question about this policy statement, do not hesitate to contact us.